Lithium-ion Battery Training
This is an operational-level course geared towards the Company Officer and backstep Firefighter.
Service Description
3-Hour – Lithium Ion Battery Course Description: Background and a brief history of lithium-ion batteries. Review of general battery types and chemistries. Breakdown of the lithium-ion battery: The chemistry. The problem. And why. Review of previous incidents. Discuss operations at various incidents: Structure fires involving lithium-ion batteries. Fires involving electric and hybrid vehicles. Accidents involving electric and hybrid vehicles. Dealing with DDR lithium-ion batteries, not on fire. Mitigation options Recycling options Introduce Equipment: (Optional: Based on what the host department has purchased) CellBlock Drums Non-Conductive Tools Vehicle Blanket Vehicle Dolly’s Emergency Plug Utility/EV Nozzle High Heat Gloves Low Voltage Gloves Practical evolutions on the above equipment (Optional: All equipment provided by the host department)
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